Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Culture of Corruption

I've heard many people say that the Democrats need to have a message in order to win elections and set the agenda. I took this to mean that the Democrats need to stress "issues," but I've now come to believe that the term "message" is more effective. Democrats have stressed positive issues for a long time. Health care, tax cuts for the middle class and not just the wealthy, education, a strong defense, among others. But it hasn't done any good. Health care issues were turned into Hillary's socialist health plan that would ruin our economy and force everybody to go to government doctors. Democrat's budgets would ruin the economy. Remember when Republicans predicted that if Bill Clinton won the election, banks would fail and the economy would be in ruin? Republicans have learned the difference between issues and message. Their message is "your either with us or with the terrorists." They have the "clear skies initiative" while they cut pollution standards. Their message is "no child left behind," as they cut funding for public schools and give taxpayer money to help people send their children to private schools. They talk about "the culture of life" and fire up the execution chambers. They accuse Democrats of "giving the playbook to Al Qaida" because of a Senate committee investigation into this administration's illegal use of warrantless spying. Carl Rove once again laid out the Republican plan to make terrorism a political issue by painting Democrats as having a "pre 911" mentality. This from one of the slimiest political operatives, himself under investigation for threatening our national security by revealing the name of a CIA operative in an attempt to smear a US ambassador who dared to expose the corruption in this administration. So therein lies the Democrats "message." The culture of corruption. Twisting evidence to justify regime change. Lying about getting warrants beforehand to spy on Americans, lying when asked whether he would fire anybody in the White House found to have leaked information about the CIA, Bush said, "yes," then later changed it to the fact that he would fire anybody convicted of leaking. The Republicans have been very good at having a "message": Flip flop, tax and spend, weak on defense, didn't deserve his medals. Now, I believe the Democratic message should be Culture of Corruption. It's unfortunate that many people don't want to take the time to know the issues. I guess they're too busy working two jobs and trying to make enough money to put gas in their SUVs. Maybe they're just too busy watching "Survivor" and "American Idol" to care about the issues, which is probably why the Republicans have been effective in the use of their non-issue "buzz phrases." So let the Democrats hammer home some buzz phrases and let the Culture of Corruption be the main message.

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