Sunday, January 08, 2006

Ministers Say They Blessed Seats Ahead of Alito Hearing©Charles Fincher

From the Wall Street Journal via the Huffington Post: - Ministers Say They Blessed Seats Ahead of Alito Hearing:

WASHINGTON -- Insisting that God 'certainly needs to be involved' in the Supreme Court confirmation process, three Christian ministers today blessed the doors of the hearing room where Senate Judiciary Committee members will begin considering the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito on Monday.

I supposed if we lived in a true theocracy, it would make sense to annoint the doors of the senate hearing room where the Judge Alito confirmation process will take place. In a true theocracy, we could have the head minister or chief preacher annoint the doors and the seats of the senators. Are we going to see the senators slide off their seats during the hearings? Did they use holy oil or did they have to use the oil from the "freedom fries" in the House cafeteria?

Capitol Hill police said they weren't aware that the three had entered the hearing room earlier, but added that hearing rooms typically aren't locked because 'they're not of interest to anyone.' Lt. Dominick Costa said the Judiciary Committee room will be swept for bombs and perhaps for electronic bugging equipment before the hearing begins.

Your Homeland Security tax dollars at work.

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